Friday, August 24, 2007

Twas the 4th of july

The Narrator

Twas the 4th of July, and all thru the home, everyones working, except T-Bone. Getting ready for the 2nd annual bash ,knowing it’s hours before were all smashed.
Its raining outside and Jim’s in a huff, because the fireworks might be snuffed. But let us know that Jim’s been tested, for he knows very well were all getting arrested.
It’s raining cats and dogs and the weather’s for the fishes, but nobody cares cause Bob’s got the Swishers.
Thank God for the garage as it holds off the rain, please don’t fall down, as we’d all be in pain. Carol is happy the crowd will be small, but it don’t matter, she’s having a ball. Her number is 40 that’s not her waistline, oh what the hell pour me some wine.
Randy was looking for something to do, Carol said Randy pick up the pooh. 42 is his number and he does what he’s told, because if he doesn’t Virginia gets cold. There’s nothing that Randy would not do, so listen when I tell you what the hell he’s the handy man at 90 Woodell.
As for Virginia her numbers 41 she’s always busy watching her son. Kurt’s in a hurry to go to the park, so here comes Grandma as quick as a lark.

Speaking of Bob it is not true he hogs to himself all of the blue. Bob’s not fretting a simple rain because for gods sake he works for Tom James usually they call him when
things are a mess but he usually likes it when he’s on a press.
A car door slams but who could it be, oh Jesus Christ it’s Soup and G.B.
G.B. has no number so let’s give him one, as long as he’s here lets start drinking beer.
Bob calls out numbers 40,41,69,43,&42 where the hell is 27 – Carol said he passed out a quarter to 11.
Since G.B. has no number well give him 11, and if he don’t like it he’s going to heaven.
With Bob in his jammies and Carol with none, the Fursbacks have done it and we all had fun.
Now the fireworks are blasting and it’s time for a sip , but holy crap down the street here comes FLIP.
As 41 once said and boy is it true nothing bonds friendships like cases of blue.
Everyone’s invited so don’t be a fool I’m not racist just don’t ask Abdul. Let’s not forget little Miranda, so where the hell is Don & Amanda. We heard there working to pay the rent, why you ask to pay for the tent.
With sausage and salad our tummies are full, if you didn’t get enough Carol says bull. While Ginny snaps pictures you here a light click, God why does Super act like dick.

Bob in his car making the calls while Soups on Galleria finding his balls. Bob says his car is the best he’s seen only because it looks ghetto green.
So let’s stay good friends this message does send, and lets all vow this right to the end.Now Bob has vanished, to an unknown realm, and FLIP has banished us all. So now the annual Fursback bash has mercifully ended with all digits intact.

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