Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

9 ways Star Wars can inspire you to save money.

9 ways Star Wars can inspire you to save money.
Posted February 5, 2008 - 11:02 by Paul Michael
Filed Under: Frugal Living

Ok, so I admit it; I’m a Star Wars geek (although I’m certainly not alone). I was watching my favorite of the original trilogy last night, The Empire Strikes Back, when I had an epiphany. A moment of clarity, if you will. These Star Wars Jedi and rebels know a thing or three about frugality. And now I’m going to let you in on my fairly pointless, but fun, revelation.
The astute amongst you will notice I’m referring only to the good guys. The Empire is anti-frugality in almost every way. They build enormous, no-expense-spared Death Stars; they have fancy shiny uniforms; they own the latest technology; they’re not exactly thrifty. But the good guys, well, that’s another story.
