Monday, April 16, 2007

Party On!

This Our Buddy Mike at the new years eve party

Look at me

At the 4th of July party, Eric let miranda do his hair

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Nascar Fan

My Fiance and her son are big Jeff Gordon fans! Anything you can think of he has, everything from touch lamps to floor mats!! And still looking for different things!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Best Team in Hockey

They Are "Scarey GOOOOOOOD"


This maybe the year that we win the cup we start the playoffs this thursday in buffalo against the NY Islanders.

Series #1 Buffalo Sabres win the first series// Who's next bring it on!!!!!
Series#2 Buffalo Sabres wins second series // Now were ready for eastern finals// Look out Ottawa

Series# 3 Sabres lost Series 4-1

All I can say is they played a great year!!

The Kids

Christams pics of '06
This is my Fiance's son Kurt and my daughter Miranda. This was taken at the naval park by her. She takes great pics!

Monday, April 9, 2007


This is My dad, I called him Dee I guess because I couldn't say dad when I was younger. We all miss him very much, he passed away on 11/22/97. He also had a another nickname that my grandfather called him that was butch!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

After Along Ride!!

After a long ride we like to sit down and watch the weather channel to plan for the next day's ride!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Going For A Ride

This is my ma and her husband ken
Hang on it looks like it's going to be a rough ride!!! Watch out for that bump in the road

Thursday, April 5, 2007

My Brother hanging out

Let the new year ring in !!

Jeff Acting His best

The guys haveing a good time as always!!! Jeff says " I swear I don't drink.....Where's My Jack and Coke"

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Since one of my Favorite Star War characters is vader I thought this was pretty cool!!!!

You're a mean one, Darth Vader.You really are a dirty tick.You're as cuddly as a rancor.You're as enticing as a death stick.Darth Vader.You're bad blue milk.With a rancor stench.You remind me of the Grinch.Darth Vader.You're a monster, Darth Vader.Your heart's an empty hole.Your brain is full of darkness,You've got fire in your soul.Darth Vader.I wouldn't touch you, with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot MagnaGuards electrostaff pole.You're vile to watch, Darth Vader.You have Mustafar Lava Fleas in your respirator.You have all the tender sweetness.Of a rank alligator.Darth Vader.Given the choice between the two of youI'd take the rank alligator.You're a foul one, Darth Vader.You're a nasty, mean skunk.Your heart is full of hatred.Your soul is full of gunk.Darth Vader.The three words that best describe you,are, and I quote: "Dark. Dark. Dark."You're a mean one, Darth Vader.You're the Master of dark deeds.You're into making Jedi bleed.With Sith eyes full of hatred.Darth Vader.Your soul is an appalling Sarlacc pit overflowingwith the most disgraceful assortment of deplorablestomach juices imaginable, mangled up in cyborg parts.You're nauseating to watch, Darth Vader.With a nauseaus super-naus.You're a crooked jerky Sith Lord.And you duel a double edge sword.Darth Vader.You're a three decker saurkraut and Dianogasandwich...With arsenic sauce.